Unique Art Awards

Lizzie, Year 7, has been working with Mrs Williams, Art Technician, over the past couple…

UKMT Team Maths Challenge

Tilda (Yr 8), Syrah (Yr 8), Callum (Yr 9) and Joseph (Yr 9) visited Headington…

Diary of Geography Trip to Iceland

GCSE and A Level Geography students spent three days in Iceland over half term, and…

Clean Sweep in the Merchant Taylors' Photography Competition!

This year’s Merchant Taylors’ Company Photography Competition was introduced to students in October, where they…

Wallingford Taekwon-do Medal Haul

Wallingford Taekwon-do took six students to the UK Open Championships 2023 and came away with…

HR Wallingford Visit for INWED23

It was a privilege to be invited to HR Wallingford last week for International Women…

Toll Gemacht, Alexander!

Huge congratulations to our Year 8 German student Alexander Simpson for having come 2nd in the…

Matt Falls for Skydiving

Matt, Year 12, has never been one for sport at school, but has taken his…

Florentina at The Cathedral of Polo

In April, Year 8 student Florentina was invited by the Argentine Polo Association to play…

Charlie's Work Experience - A Ringing Endorsement

Charlie, our Year 8 bell-ringer we wrote about last November had the unique chance to gain…

Jasmine and Orla & the Wallingford Wildcats

Jasmine and Orla in Year 8 are members of the Wallingford Wildcats hockey team, and…

The King and Lizzie

Lizzie, Year 10, has been part of the Girlguiding youth steering group 'Amplify' for the last…

York Trip Diary - Day Three

Wednesday 22nd March This morning we went to the National Railway Museum where students could…

York Trip Diary - Day Two

Tuesday 21st March First stop was York Minster, the second largest medieval gothic cathedral in…

York Trip Diary - Day One

Monday 20th March After a long journey, we arrived in York and headed straight out…

Belgium Trip Diary - Day Three

Today was a dry day - hurray! We had a 2 hour coach journey to…

Belgium Trip Diary - Day Two

Today has been another tremendous day in Belgium. The day got off to a great…

Belgium Trip Diary - Day One

First day in Belgium. A long day, after a very early start, but a really…

Planting Day

A couple of weekends ago, Wild about Wallingford, GreenArt and a team of volunteers planted…

Year 9 Student Plays His Way to Italy

We are thrilled to hear that Peter in Year 9 has been selected to represent…

Charlie Rings the Changes

Charlie in Year 8 is a Campanologist, and he regularly updates music teacher Ms Hammond…

Rugby Success

We always love to hear about our students' activities outside of school. Aimee, Year 10,…

25th World Scout Jamboree

We were pleased to hear that five students have been selected to attend the 25th…

Mia at Modern Art Oxford

Mia Annesen-Wood actually has a painting exhibited at Modern Art Oxford! She actually, actually has!…

Year 10 National Boxing Champion

A big congratulations to Sky, Year 10, on becoming national champion (female 63kg) at the…

Gardening Club

Mr Marston spoke about Gardening Club in last week's Headteacher's Message and we managed to…

North-West Rowing Crafting Competition

Anna, Year 12, entered the North-West Rowing crafting competition to make, bake or model an…