
| 2022年 11月 23日(Wednesday) |

Supporting Children Through Exams - Presentation for Yr 11 & 13 Parents

18:30 » 19:30

This presentation is for parents of students in years 11 and 13 and gives guidance and advice on supporting children through exams.

This session is not aimed at all students or families, and should only be attended where anxiousness in the lead up to exams is beyond what feels like normal expected nervousness.

Please note all students experience nervousness in the lead up to exams, and the exam period. As always strategies to support normal exam nervousness will be delivered through tutor time, assemblies, PSHE and curriculum areas.

The presentation is on 23rd November at 6.30pm in the Main Hall and will last approximately one hour.

Please do email driscolla@wallingfordschool.com if you are planning to attend.