Wallingford School VLE

Site news

Picture of VLE Admin
Out Standing in a Field
by VLE Admin - Wednesday, 18 September 2024, 1:46 PM

The Art Department create so many fantastic opportunities and new experiences for our young artists! One of these opportunities took place last weekend, over to Mr Bowen, Head of Art:

Tymur, Paul Whitehouse and AnastasiiaWe live near an OUTSTANDING place. And we live near an OUTSTANDING artist. Why not combine both?

Two lucky Year...

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(153 words)
Picture of VLE Admin
Have a Great Summer!
by VLE Admin - Wednesday, 24 July 2024, 1:30 PM

Waving off the students

Wishing everyone a pleasant summer break. See you back in September!

Picture of VLE Admin
House Non-Uniform Day
by VLE Admin - Tuesday, 16 July 2024, 2:46 PM

House Non-Uniform Day posterThis Friday 19th July will be a Non-Uniform Day, however we would like students to come dressed in their House colours, appropriate for the school working day. A contribution of £1 to the JustGiving page of your House is recommended, but feel free to donate more!

Bigg JustGiving
Blackstone ...

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(167 words)
Picture of VLE Admin
Why I Love Science
by VLE Admin - Wednesday, 22 November 2023, 10:19 AM

Isabel with her winning essayBefore half term, Miss Sutton helped run a science essay writing competition for the STFC Rutherford Appleton Laboratory School Science Prize.

They had over 200 entries from different schools and only 16 finalists were selected. One of our Year 7 students, Isabel, was selected as one of those ...

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(595 words)