News and Letters

Year 7 Admissions - September 2017

Фото Admin VLE
Year 7 Admissions - September 2017
Admin VLE - Wednesday 1 March 2017 10:45 AM

We often have a high number of applications and have been oversubscribed on 1st choices for a number of years. This year there are more students in our designated area, who have identified us as their 1st choice, than we have places for.

This means some families in our designated area have not been offered Wallingford School in the first round.  It is usual for a high number of 1st choices to be refused when the first round of offers are made on 1 March.

However, as soon as these offers are made, we expect a number to be refused, because parents have accepted places at independent schools.  These released places will be offered again in the second round of offers in early May.

You would know that we have never had a family in our area fail to secure a place and we are thinking hard about the situation already.

You will only be considered in the second round if you are on the ‘continued interest list.’

We strongly advise parents whose application for a place at Wallingford School is refused to check their child is on the continued interest list.  Because of the number of places offered that will be refused, the true picture of who will finally be allocated a place only emerges after the second allocation in May.

We have information on the home addresses of all children offered places and all children refused, and we will get information on how many offers have been declined.  If you wish to discuss your child’s application, please contact the school on 01491 837115 and ask to speak to Mr Willis. 

Please read your letter form the Local Authority fully as it gives instructions on how to ensure that your child is included on the ‘continued interest list’.