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German Exchange 2017

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German Exchange 2017
par VLE Admin, Friday 10 March 2017, 12:20

Students left for Bad Wurzach last Monday. Here's Mr Harpin's report of some of the things they've been getting up to:

Tuesday 7th March

Our students have spent the morning at Salvatorkolleg - Alice and Oscar had the chance to examine the differences in a German English class.

After lunch, we were welcomed to Bad Wurzach by the head of the town council. Then students were given a guided tour of the town by their exchange partners. Only British children would eat ice cream in temperatures as low as 2°C...

Eating ice-cream

Wednesday 8th March

Better weather showed up for us at Lake Konstanz this morning allowing us beautiful views of the Swiss Alps. Students then had a fascinating tour of the Zeppelin Museum where they were able to see life size models of the Hindenburg and how the airships were built.

View of the Swiss Alps

Thursday 9th March

Yesterday we visited Munich. After a morning of shopping and sightseeing, we had a guided tour of the Allianz Arena much to the delight of the Arsenal fans.

We also made the local press in Bad Wurzach with a quote from Jesse (Year 9) making the headlines.

Shopping in Munich