News and Letters

Parent Governor Election

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Parent Governor Election
par VLE Admin, Tuesday 13 March 2018, 10:12

A letter from the Headteacher and Chair of Governors. The full letter and appendices, as well as a nomination form, are attached. Please note, you will need to log into the VLE to download the attachments.

We are contacting you to invite nominations for two parent governor vacancies. As many of you may already know the governing body has an extremely important strategic role. It is responsible, as a corporate body not as individuals, for strategic planning, policy and finance, amongst other things. Parents or anyone who has parental responsibility for a pupil on the school roll at the time of this election can stand for election and can vote in this election.

We have in place an online voting process although, to be as inclusive as possible, there is a facility for parents to vote via a paper ballot if they are unable to access the online system.

A key element of the process is that we need a formal register of all the eligible parents and, where possible, a unique email address for each parent. If you are receiving this by email then your email address has been included in that list.

If this message has been sent to a shared email address and each parent wants to be able to have their own vote, please provide the school with a unique email address for each parent. If it is not possible to provide unique email addresses, please advise the school - it is possible to work with a shared email address but the process requires some additional manual steps by the school and the parents.

All nominations should be sent to Bee Hibbin, Clerk to the Governors, either by post, email, or via the School Reception by 1pm on Tuesday 3rd April 2018. You can nominate yourself. Every nomination must be signed by the candidate stating that they are willing to stand and all nominations will be acknowledged on receipt. We also need a few words about you and why you would like to be a governor for inclusion with the ballot papers (200 words maximum please). Candidates cannot withdraw from the election once ballot papers have been issued.

If you would like to know a little more about becoming a parent governor please get in touch with Bee,, or email the governors at Please think about taking on the role, or suggesting someone who will do it well. We need committed parent governors.

Yours faithfully,

N J Willis, Headteacher

Ken McCrea, Chair of Governors