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Merchant Taylors' Company Concert of Remembrance & Hope

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Merchant Taylors' Company Concert of Remembrance & Hope
par VLE Admin, Friday 16 November 2018, 14:43

WW1 Armistice 100th Anniversary
Symphony Hall Birmingham
11 November 2018

On Sunday 11th November, Wallingford School students joined other Merchant Taylors' Company schools for a Remembrance concert at Symphony Hall Birmingham to commemorate 100 years since the end of World War 1.

The concert included a celebration of art, readings, poetry and musical performances. Ms Hammond, Head of Music, said, "I was super proud of our impeccably behaved musicians. They out did themselves in a show stopping performance of 'What A Wonderful World'. In the second half we performed in a massed performance of Jenkins' 'The Armed Man' and Mozart's 'Requiem'. It was a wonderful weekend with all the Merchant Taylors' schools."

One parent who attended said, "We...were so impressed. Wallingford School did themselves proud, the Decibels sounded incredible and the band were fantastic. I could have listened to Mozart's Requiem forever - the sound in the hall was incredible and the voices simply washed over me for that whole performance."

The students taking part also enjoyed the experience. Nat, Year 9, found it was, "a valuable experience where I could practise my performing skills...ready for GCSE Music next year. I loved the poppy drop; it was very moving."

Rory, Year 10, appreciated the chance to perform with other groups of musicians: "It was great to work with orchestral students from Birmingham Conservatoire and professional vocalists. I learnt so much. I was scared at first, the hall was huge!!"

Our Sixth Formers too got the chance to put their learning into practice. Ellis, Year 13, remarked, "Fuguetastic! It was great to see my A level Music coming alive through rehearsing, analysing and performing the Requiem. Suddenly Mozart was alive." Sophie, also Year 13, said she had never been more proud to be from Wallingford School.

Thank you to all parents who came to watch us!!