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DT Department Making PPE Face Shields

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DT Department Making PPE Face Shields
par VLE Admin, Tuesday 14 April 2020, 15:24

We would like to share some fantastic news from our Design and Technology department - over the weekend they took it upon themselves to fundraise and help the NHS by creating PPE face shields.

As a school we are very grateful to have the staff with the necessary skills and equipment available to make and provide for local NHS staff.

At the beginning of the weekend they had some lovely, generous contributions, which meant they were able to bulk buy some materials to start off. However, it didn't stop there, they have since had numerous donations via their fundraising page.

This morning, Miss Walker has made a materials order using the kind donations and will be able to start production tomorrow - she has enough material to make 5000 head bands and shields!

At the moment, we have enough material to keep production going (one member of staff per shift) for a little while, but we still welcome material donations and will keep the fundraising page open (if you feel like you can contribute) for as long as we can - as you can imagine material stock is running low with more and more people helping to make this essential equipment.

What do we need:

For the head band: Sheets of 0.5mm Polypropylene (any colour).

For the shield: A4 sheets of clear binder sheets at least 100 microns thick (used for binding publication).

Our main priority is to help locally first and then we can look further afield, so if you or anyone you know need PPE shields, please let us know via FB or email Miss Walker on:

Thank you for your support and stay safe.