News and Letters

Headteacher's Message - Friday 18th December

Nutzerbild VLE Admin
Headteacher's Message - Friday 18th December
von VLE Admin - Friday, 18. December 2020, 09:45

 And so we have reached the end of a long term and I would like to thank every member of the school community for all of their commitment and effort, enthusiasm and hard work over the past weeks and months. Everyone – students, teachers, support staff – has coped quite brilliantly in this very different world which we currently live in and I could not be more proud to be their Headteacher.

There is, as ever, a lot to celebrate. Over the past week we have been delighted to raise over £1000 for local charity Aspire through our non-uniform day and also to donate a large amount of toys and games to another local charity Sleigh 2 Give. I must also pay tribute to our Year 11 students for conducting themselves perfectly in their mock examinations and our Year 7 students who must be particularly tired but have made a great start to their Wallingford School careers. We are also delighted today to present a large number of books to our STARS winners for this term and know that there will be many more next term.

I am deliberately keeping this message quite brief as I would like all families to read our end of term newsletter which is a great reflection of the life of our school. Finally, I would like to wish all members of the school community a very Happy Christmas and look forward to seeing you all in 2021.

Year 11 Mock Exams