News and Letters

Headteacher's Message - Friday 3rd December

Фото Admin VLE
Headteacher's Message - Friday 3rd December
Admin VLE - Friday 3 December 2021 09:46 AM

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As ever, lots going on in school this week and I would particularly like to commend our Year 11 students on their approach as they prepare for their mock exams which start next week. We have already had speaking exams in Modern Foreign Languages and Art and DT assessments over the past couple of weeks throughout which the focus, talent and potential of the students have shone through and I know that this will continue next week. They are doing brilliantly. Last night was Year 8 Parents’ Evening and I would also like to highlight this year group and congratulate them on their approach to school. This is a cohort who experienced the first lockdown in their last year in Primary School and had a very different Year 7 experience than is normally the case with the second lockdown and restricted arrangements in school. They are now experiencing something closer to a “normal” secondary school experience and they are a joy to be around with their commitment, humour and care for each other evident every day.

As families may have seen, we have reluctantly made the decision to postpone our production of The Wizard of Oz until 2022. There is not one single reason behind this decision but rather a number of factors which have made us feel that the show will work much better when we have seen the winter through. It is going to be fantastic and will be well worth the wait. We will keep everyone updated as to the rescheduled dates.

Finally, a big well done to every member of the school community for their adherence to the requirement to wear face masks in communal areas of the school. As ever, we operate the school at this time in line with government guidance and I would remind all families that face masks are not optional unless students or staff have a reason for exemption. I would particularly like to thank our Sixth Form students who have displayed their characteristic maturity in wearing face masks during their private study. Their maturity and focus always set the tone for the rest of the school to follow and it is appreciated by us all.