News and Letters

Headteacher's Message - Friday 7th June

Nutzerbild VLE Admin
Headteacher's Message - Friday 7th June
von VLE Admin - Friday, 7. June 2024, 09:50

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We have returned after the half-term break to a busy week in school. Tours of the school for prospective families with children currently in Year 5 have been taking place on Monday, Wednesday and Friday mornings (continuing until 21st June) and it is always a pleasure to show visitors our school “in action” on a typical day. Visitors take away much from the tours but the one thing they always commented on is how polite, focused and well-behaved our students are – that’s not a surprise but always worth noting. For me the typicality of the mornings is what I particularly highlight to the families; we don’t put on a show or do anything different, the school is as you would find it and it makes a great impression.

For students in Years 11 and 13 the exam season continues and their diligence is so impressive. The end is starting to come into sight and our staff continue to support them every step of the way.

As ever, trips and visits roll on with enrichment through the History curriculum very much to the fore this week. We had a group of Year 8 students in London experiencing a historical workshop at Merchant Taylors’ Company Hall on Tuesday – and thank you as always to the Company for this opportunity and their support for the school - while our Year 10 GCSE historians are in Cannock Chase for two days on their residential visit.

A final couple of congratulations must go to everyone who entered the House Bake-Off Competition – and there were some remarkable and creative designs – and also to our fantastic Gardening Club students for their plant sale which has raised money for new equipment for them to use.