News and Letters

Headteacher's Message - Friday 10th January

Nutzerbild VLE Admin
Headteacher's Message - Friday 10th January
von VLE Admin - Friday, 10. January 2025, 09:37

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Firstly, a Happy New Year to all of the Wallingford School community at the end of a busy, pretty cold but really good first week back in school of 2025.

I have been leading assemblies this week and have talked a little bit about new year’s resolutions but a lot more about potential, each person’s unique talents and that there is nothing wrong at the start of a new calendar year with setting yourself a target or a goal and seeing where it will take you. I won’t say much more other than I hope that the desire of all of our staff to support the aspirations of each and every one of our students came through to all of them.

Despite the cold and the dark, the extra-curricular life of the school rolls on with one of the highlights of the year to come at the end of this month – our school production of Joseph and His Amazing Technicolour Dreamcoat. I am deliberately trying to avoid walking into rehearsals in the Hall after school each evening as I don’t want to spoil the show but it is sounding great and ticketing information will be available very soon.

Timetables and schedules for other extra-curricular activities are also now available and, as ever, there is something for everyone to be involved with and to enjoy. It’s going to be a busy year ahead at Wallingford School so get involved, participate, contribute and play an active part in the life of our school.