News and Letters

Headteacher's Message - Friday 14th February

Фото Admin VLE
Headteacher's Message - Friday 14th February
Admin VLE - Friday 14 February 2025 09:46 AM

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Assemblies this week have been all about the Houses, with results announced at this mid-way point in the academic year. As ever, I won’t say too much about the content of the assemblies – that’s one to ask about at home – but there has been a lot of spirit, a healthy dose of competitiveness and a great deal of fun on display, and the House system continues to be the lifeblood of our school.

As usual at Wallingford School, trips and visits are happening all the time, notably with the French Exchange having returned last weekend and the visit to Morocco coming up and two – yes two! – ski trips departing today which is very exciting. Thankyou to all of our staff who are supporting these visits over the half-term holiday.

I have to say “well done” to our Year 13 students as today is the last day of their mock exams. They are a fantastic group of young people and their collective approach bodes well for the summer when the real exams come around. Equally, our Year 11 Food Technology students have been doing their practical exams over the past couple of weeks and the food they have produced has been quite brilliant with some very tantalizing smells wafting out of the food tech classroom windows.

Finally, today is a non-uniform day with donations supporting local organization FarmAbility which has a valued connection with our school. Any support, large or small, is greatly appreciated.