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Upgraded VLE

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Upgraded VLE
par VLE Admin, Friday 21 March 2014, 15:56

We recently upgraded our VLE from Moodle 2.4 to 2.6. There are quite a few changes, although teachers will see more than students or parents.

Changes usually mean some of the help pages are now out of date. We'll try to get these updated as soon as possible. But if you think something is broken, or are no longer sure how something works, send an e-mail to

For everyone, we hope you'll find navigation slightly easier now that the breadcrumbs feature is fixed, and with the improvements to the way category pages work.

Students and teachers using the text editor will notice it has had a graphical overhaul and works a little bit differently. Their respective text editor help pages have been updated. (Students / Teachers)

For teachers, a longer list of changes is available in the Help Area.