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Election of Parent Governors

画像 Admin VLE
Election of Parent Governors
2014年 09月 9日(Tuesday) 16:04 - Admin VLE の投稿

This week we are inviting nominations for two parent governor vacancies. Please look out for the letter coming home with the students.

As many of you may already know the governing body has an extremely important strategic role. It is responsible, as a corporate body not as individuals, for strategic planning, policy, staff appointments and finance, amongst other things. Parents or anyone who has parental responsibility for a pupil on the school roll at the time of this election can stand for election and can vote in this election.

All nominations should be sent to Bee Hibbin, Clerk to the Governors, either by post, email, or via the School Reception by 1pm on Wednesday 24 September 2014. You can nominate yourself. Every nomination must be signed by the candidate stating that they are willing to stand and all nominations will be acknowledged on receipt. We also need a few words about you and why you would like to be a governor for inclusion with the ballot papers (200 words maximum please). Candidates cannot withdraw from the election once ballot papers have been issued.

By Friday 26 September we will send the ballot forms with the names of the candidates and their pen profile home with the students, so please watch out for this. As there are two vacancy each parent has two votes, however many children they have in the school, and votes will need to be returned within a week (the exact date will be shown on the voting slip). In the event that only two candidates are nominated no election takes place and the candidates will be appointed; this will be posted on the school website.

If you would like to know a little more about becoming a parent governor please get in touch with Bee,, or email the governors at

Or come and have a chat with some of our current Governors at our Governor drop-in & chat in the Sixth Form Common Room, on Wednesday 17 September at 6pm – they will be happy to talk through any queries you may have.