Trip Reports

Kilvrough - Day 2

画像 Admin VLE
Kilvrough - Day 2
2016年 07月 6日(Wednesday) 11:58 - Admin VLE の投稿

We arrived at Kilvrough Manor yesterday with high prospects for the week ahead; all previous visitors talked highly of the centre, and the list of activities agreed with them. All in all, we were not disappointed! Today (Tuesday), Group C's activity was climbing. We had been led to expect a climbing wall, but instead the day consisted of scrambling across rocks, clambering across cliff faces, and abseiling down over arch ways. The activity served as an amplifier for our teamwork and communication skills, because trust between the team of climbers and belay-ers was essential. Overall, whilst we improved our team building skills, we also had a good time, and learnt more about our own strengths, and each other.

- Hollie, Year 9

Today my group did caving. It was physically and emotionally challenging as we had to go through small gaps and walk through high waters with a low ceiling. I can say that almost everyone got soaked! On arrival we went into the parts near the beginning of the caves and did groups activities with one leader at the front and one at the back to improve team skills. When we were walking through the deep water we had to have our backs up against the roof. Overall, we had an adventure today where we all did something we had not done before.


Today we went surfing and, to start with, we were waist deep but by the end we were a lot deeper with some waves being around two metres. The first part of the day was on our knees and after a very nice lunch we got to stand up. Many of us did belly flops into the water (with not much success) but most of us managed to stand up at least twice with some people doing more.


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