News and Letters

Year 7 Parents' Evening

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Year 7 Parents' Evening
par VLE Admin, Friday 6 January 2017, 13:55

Year 7 Parents' Evening takes place on Thursday 26th January from 5.30-8.00pm, where parents of Year 7 students will have the chance to meet their child's subject teachers. If you haven't attended a parents evening at Wallingford School before, the following information may be useful.

You will be receiving a letter with a blank appointments timetable (copies attached). Discuss with your child who you would like to visit and what times you can attend, then your child will make appointments with their subject teachers. Appointments are expected to last no longer than 5 minutes, and should have at least a 5-minute gap between them to allow time to move between teachers. The latest appointment time is 8.00pm.

Parents' Evening takes place in the Kershaw building. Please make your way directly there and sign in at the desk when you arrive. We would very much like to see your daughter/son attend with you.