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St Mary's Church - looking for help

Picture of VLE Admin
St Mary's Church - looking for help
by VLE Admin - Wednesday, 4 October 2017, 1:35 PM

St Mary’s Church (Wallingford) is looking for some willing people to help with reorganising the church between the events and services on Saturdays and Sundays. They are hoping that there might be some enterprising Wallingford School students who might like to take this on.  It might be paid, if appropriate:  a couple of enterprising sixth formers in Dorchester set up a small company based on reorganising furniture in Dorchester Abbey, so this seemed like an ideal opportunity for some Wallingford students to be similarly enterprising.

If at all possible, they would like people who can be sufficiently responsible to come to a session where they can show them what to do, and can then take on responsibility for organising things themselves. 

If you think you might be able to help, please let your form tutors know and we’ll put you in touch.