News and Letters

Headteacher's Message - Friday 2nd December

Picture of VLE Admin
Headteacher's Message - Friday 2nd December
by VLE Admin - Friday, 2 December 2022, 10:05 AM

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The Governors of a school play an important role in its community. Someone may become involved as a school Governor for a number of different reasons – for example, they may have a child at the school, be a member of the school’s local community or have a connection with the school in some way. Whatever it is, they are volunteers, offering their own time, skills and experience to the school community to support its development. We talk a lot in school about the power and value of volunteering and for adults with busy lives providing time to a school community is a significant commitment and should not be underestimated.

This week we held one of our Governor Days where Governors were in school talking with staff and students, visiting lessons and seeing the school in action. As ever they were curious, interested and committed. They appreciated their experience and offered sharp questions, informed perspectives and new insights into our school. I would like to express my thanks to them for their commitment to Wallingford School for all of the reasons I’ve outlined and emphasise the importance of their role in everything we do as a school.

As we enter December the end of term is coming into sight and there is lots going on. A reminder that Friday 16th December is a Christmas-themed Non-Uniform Day – further details to follow next week. We are also going to see significant developments in the Biodiversity Area in St George’s Road at the end of term – again, more to follow but it is going to be genuinely exciting – and quite muddy! We also look forward to the school production of The Wizard of Oz which is going to be fantastic. It’s going to be a busy end to a busy term.