News and Letters

Headteacher's Message - Friday 22nd September

Picture of VLE Admin
Headteacher's Message - Friday 22nd September
by VLE Admin - Friday, 22 September 2023, 9:12 AM

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Yesterday evening saw the final Parent-Tutor evening of the start-of-term series with Year 11 families attending. Thank you to all families who have attended over the past couple of weeks and we hope that these evenings have been useful in explaining expectations and schedules for the year as well as ensuring that channels of communication are open. We have covered every year group and it has been a pleasure to see so many people in school. A reminder for anyone who has been unable to attend that the presentations are available on the school website and that any further questions or queries are always very welcome.

As we have now settled in to the year, I have to say well done this week to our Sixth Form students for their approach and attitude to private study. The strengths of the Sixth Form at Wallingford School are well-documented – excellent results, inspiring teaching and learning, great destinations – and a bedrock of all of these is supervised study periods in which students work and work well. Each year we begin again with a new Year 12 who need to learn to get it “right” quickly while Year 13 adopt the mantle of mature students who role model what needs to be done. This year has been no exception. In spite of pressure on space due to our Sixth Form numbers having grown again – and some of the library being out of action – the atmosphere and tangible sense of purpose have been hugely impressive. This is to the students’ credit but also to our new Sixth Form Study Supervisor, Ms Gardner-Brown, who has already had a real impact in helping to set the tone and expectations and supporting our students. Her appointment reflects the growth and popularity of Wallingford School Sixth Form over time and we are delighted to have her on board.

Finally, extra-curricular activities continue to gather pace and House activities are no exception. As ever, the House events programme for the year ahead will include many familiar events but also some new ones. Next Friday sees the brand new House Speed Languages Learning Competition which we eagerly look forward to. The pitch is: Students will have the opportunity to get a short 3 minute lesson in another language. This might be learning to count to 10 in Mandarin, learning the colours in Italian or the names of pets in Polish. Students will rotate around the room and get the chance to learn a number of languages in one lunchtime! It is going to be great and details are being shared with students in tutor time this week and next.