A message from the Wallingford School Association:
Calling all parents of Wallingford School – we need your generous help and support. We know that everyone has hectic lives. However, we would really like parents to consider joining the Wallingford School Association (WSA).
We are purely a fundraising team for Wallingford School, and we raise money by organising an annual Quiz Night, selling drinks and food at school productions and events such as the Christmas show and Spring Concert. There is very minimal involvement required throughout the year, unlike when your children were at primary school.
We are an extremely friendly bunch, so please come along and meet us. We are holding a social get together at school on Wednesday 13th January at 7.30pm in the 6th Form common room, where you can find out more about us. We need new volunteers to replace a number of parents whose children have now left, otherwise we will be no longer able to continue.
We have a very high fundraising target this year of £10,000 as the school requires a new mini bus. This will be vital to everyday school life as, without a mini bus, our children will be unable to get to outside fixtures and events.
So please help your children reach their full potential by helping to raise the additional funds the school requires. If you do not have time to help on the Fundraising Team, please help by attending events that the WSA holds throughout the year, or by donating to the mini bus fund.
Please come and join us for our informal WSA Social Evening and find out how fundraising helps support our children at school. We look forward to seeing you there.
A selection of events our WSA support each year is shown below...