A Message from Wallingford School for Parents of Students in Year 11:
Dear Y11 Parents,
The countdown has well and truly begun. After having spent the best part of five years with us at Wallingford, our Y11 pupils, your sons and daughters, will soon be entering the 'Grand Finale' – their final KS4 exams. We strongly believe that parental involvement can have a huge impact on student progress in school. We appreciate it isn't always obvious what you can do to help and several parents have been in contact to ask whether we would be able to give some guidance and further information.
With this in mind, I would like to invite you to an information evening on Wednesday 23rd March, at 6.00pm. The event will last approximately 30 minutes, with time for you to ask questions afterwards. The focus of this will be Revision. The aim is to provide parents with information about what types of revision Y11 students should be doing over the next few weeks and what you can do to support them.
More specifically, we are likely to cover:
- Revision Plans & 'Spacing'
- Time-management
- Practical arrangements
- Way to revise: Quizzing, Mind-maps, Flashcards, Chunking
- Exam arrangements
We will be going through many of these aspects with students themselves in school, but they are still welcome to join you if they would like to.
We want to put parents in a position where you have a greater understanding of what pupils are being asked to do and why it will be effective, so that pupils can be effectively supported at home.
It would be extremely helpful if you were able to email – office.4140@wallingfordschool.com , giving us an indication of whether or not you are able to attend.
I look forward to seeing many of you on Wednesday.
Kind regards,
Mr R Griffiths, Assistant Headteacher