Trip Reports

Kilvrough - Day 2

Picture of VLE Admin
Kilvrough - Day 2
by VLE Admin - Wednesday, 5 July 2017, 10:31 AM


When we hiked into in the cave I was very intrigued by what was inside. At first I felt somewhat nervous but, once we really got started, those fears evaporated and I was embodied with an inner strength and steely determination.

By the end I had managed to submerge myself in chasms of ice cold water and weaved my way through a myriad of web like tunnels.

The rest of the time here has been a wonderful experience. We play and work with a sense of comradery and shared team spirit. It reminds me of the blitz!

Well, that's it for now. Commander Mr Choi is calling us for rifle practice.

Over and out captain.

-Ori Taylor

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Picture of VLE Admin
Re: Kilvrough - Day 2
by VLE Admin - Tuesday, 11 July 2017, 11:26 AM

Tuesday 4th July - Evening

Last night we walked to the castle; it took around 45 minutes, whilst we were taking in the picturesque views of the Welsh countryside. We started off in some woods that smelled like wild garlic. Then we came across a golf course that led to the remains of a castle. Eventually, after a very rocky ride down the hill, we reached the sand dunes, which everybody enjoyed running full speed down and more than a few people face-planted!